The abstract submission deadline was October 25, 2016.
But you can still send in some late abstracts!
Extended abstract up to 4 pages (including figures) are encouraged
and can be submitted in one of the following format :
MS Word doc file (preferred if you use Word), or a pdf file (generated
using either of the Word or LaTeX templates provided below) :
Abstracts must be submitted in electronic form by E-mail to:
Please make the attached abstract file name explicit, i.e, use a
file name starting with the
last name of the first author
(and append _a, _b, _c, ... if you send several abstracts).
In your Email, provide your contact information
and your preference between an oral presentation or a poster. Thanks !
We plan to distribute the abstracts to participants on a USB
memory stick at the meeting.
The abstracts will be put online as soon as possible and will
remain available for many years after the meeting.
The abstracts will also be registered in the NASA Astrophysics Data
System (Abstract Service).
POSTERS: The recommended poster size is about 90 cm wide x
100-120 cm high (i.e. A0 portrait format).