The data calculated by the Martian Global Circulation Model and contained in the Mars Climate Database are made available to the public on the condition that we make no representations or warranties regarding the reliability or validity of the data nor the use to which such data should be put, disclaim any and all responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the data and bear no responsibility for any use made of this data by any party.

Scientific use of the database is freely allowed provided that the origin of the data is correctly quoted in all publications and that we are kept informed of usage and developments.

This database may not be put to any commercial use without specific authorization.

Engineers and scientists willing to use professionally and intensively the database are invited to contact us for a full version freely available.

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We acknowledge support for work conducted on the development of the Mars Climate Database from the European Space Agency under ESTEC contract 11369/95/NL/JG(SC). CNRS (LMD group) and the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (AOPP, Oxford group) also provided support during the development of the Martian General Circulation Models.
The Web interface is based on the software developped at NOAA.


We may be contacted by email at, or via the World Wide Web site at

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