Work Package Descriptions

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP4
WP TITLE:Improvements to Martian Atmospheric Model and Climate Database
MANAGER:O. Talagrand
START:End of WP3, May 1997
END:December 1997

  • Experiments investigating model differences to be conducted.
  • Dust lifting and transport parameterizations to be designed.
  • WWW site and access software to be designed and implemented.
  • Technical note on studies of model differences.
  • Technical note on requirements for dust lifting and transport model.
  • Technical note describing material to be made available on WWW site.
  • Any updates to model to be made available.
  • WWW site to be established.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP4
WP TITLE:Improvements to Martian Atmospheric Model and Climate Database
CONTRACTOR:Oxford University (sub-contractor)
START:Delivery of MCD v.1, March 1997
END:December 1997

  • Experiments investigating model differences to be conducted.
  • Experiments investigating model sensitivity to be conducted.
  • Improvements to variability model for database to be investigated.
  • Parameterizations required for raising model top to be designed.
  • Technical note on sensitivity studies to orography, etc..
  • Technical note reviewing database variability model.
  • Technical note on requirements for extending model top.
  • Any updates to database access software to be made available.
  • WWW site for mirror to be established.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP5
WP TITLE:Improvements to Martian Atmospheric Model and Climate Database
MANAGER:O. Talagrand
START:January 1998
END:December 1998

  • Dust parameterizations to be implemented and validated.
  • Integration of new parameterization schemes into improved GCM.
  • Experiments for compilation of improved database to be conducted.
  • Dust lifting and transport model to be supplied.
  • Technical note on model validation.
  • Final updates to model to be installed.
  • Architectural Design Document for model to be updated for changes.
  • User Manual for model to be updated for changes.
  • WWW site to be finalized.
  • Final report.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP5
WP TITLE:Improvements to Martian Atmospheric Model and Climate Database
CONTRACTOR:Oxford University (sub-contractor)
START:January 1998
END:December 1998

  • Parameterizations required for raising model top to be implemented and validated.
  • New orographic data to be processed.
  • Gravity wave drag scheme to be re-calibrated.
  • Improvements to variability model for database to be implemented.
  • Experiments for compilation of improved database to be conducted.
  • Improved database to be generated with new results.
  • Improved database to be installed.
  • New orographic datasets for model and database to be installed.
  • Final updates to database access software to be installed.
  • Improvements to database variability model to be installed.
  • Architectural Design Document for database to be updated for changes.
  • User Manual for database to be updated for changes.
  • Critical Review for database to be updated.
  • WWW site mirror to be finalized.