Work Package Descriptions

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP6.1
WP TITLE:Extension and Validation of Mars General Circulation Model
MANAGER:O. Talagrand
START:1 January 1999
END:30 June 1999

  • New radiative parameterizations required for raising model top to be implemented and validated.
  • Calibrations of model parameters with new observations to be performed.
  • Experiments with dust transport to be performed.

  • New radiative parameterizations to be supplied.
  • Architectural Design Document for model to be updated for new radiation scheme.
  • User Manual for model to be updated for new radiation scheme.
  • Technical report: New model radiation schemes, parameterization and validation.
  • Technical report: Review of new physical data for Mars.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP6.2
WP TITLE:Extension and Validation of Mars General Circulation Model
CONTRACTOR:Oxford University (sub-contractor)
START:1 January 1999
END:30 June 1999

  • Integration of new parameterization schemes into AOPP GCM, testing and validation.
  • Experiments with dust transport to be performed for design of new database scenarios.
  • New orographic data to be processed.
  • Gravity wave drag scheme to be re-calibrated.

  • Technical report: Proposal for contents of new Mars Climate Database.
  • Technical report: Review of new physical data for Mars.
  • Contributions to technical report: Non-LTE effects in the atmosphere of Mars.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP6.3
WP TITLE:Extension and Validation of Mars General Circulation Model
CONTRACTOR:Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (sub-contractor)
MANAGER:M.A. Lopez-Valverde
START:1 January 1999
END:30 June 1999

  • Design and execution of experiments to generate heating and cooling rate profiles with non-LTE code to be performed for calibration of model non-LTE parameterizations.
  • Internal validation of the Martian non-LTE model (update of rate constants, adaptation to the altitude grid and boundaries of the GCM, effects of non-LTE uncertainties).

  • Technical report: Non-LTE effects in the atmosphere of Mars.
  • Profiles of solar heating and thermal cooling rates for validation of parameterization schemes.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP7.1
WP TITLE:Implementation of Mars Climate Database Version 3
MANAGER:O. Talagrand
START:1 July 1999
END:31 December 1999

  • Parameterization schemes to be validated against latest observations.
  • Parallel Mars GCM experiments to be conducted for version 3 of the Mars Climate Database.
  • Model documentation and web site to be updated.
  • Study of feasibility and requirements for constructing a realistic Venus General Circulation Model.

  • Technical report: Validation of model with new spacecraft observations.
  • Latest version of Mars GCM to be installed.
  • New datasets and tuned parameters for model to be supplied.
  • Architectural Design Document for model to be updated for changes.
  • User Manual for model to be updated for changes.
  • Web site to be updated for all changes to documentation for model and Mars Climate Database. Latest version of Mars Climate Database to be accessible.
  • Technical report: The atmosphere of Venus.
  • Final report.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP7.2
WP TITLE:Implementation of Mars Climate Database Version 3
CONTRACTOR:Oxford University (sub-contractor)
START:1 July 1999
END:31 December 1999

  • Experiments for compilation of improved database to be conducted with new Mars GCM.
  • Version 3 Mars Climate Database to be generated, tested and validated using latest model data and variability models.
  • Database documentation to be updated.
  • Review of present observational literature concerning the atmospheric environment of Venus with reference to future spacecraft missions.

  • Mars Climate Database version 3 to be compiled and installed.
  • New topographic dataset for database to be supplied.
  • Architectural Design Document for database to be updated.
  • User Manual for database to be updated.
  • Technical report: Critical Review of Mars Climate Database using new spacecraft observations.
  • Technical report: The atmosphere of Venus.

PROJECT:Martian Environment ModelsWP7.3
WP TITLE:Implementation of Mars Climate Database Version 3
CONTRACTOR:Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (sub-contractor)
MANAGER:M.A. Lopez-Valverde
START:1 July 1999
END:31 December 1999

  • Validation study of model non-LTE parameterizations for Mars against more complete calculations.

  • Technical report: Non-LTE effects and their parameterization for Mars.
  • Contribution to technical report: The atmosphere of Venus.