Call for abstracts
Travel Grants
Travel information
The workshop will be held in the Martin Wood Lecture Theatre,
Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford
(see map).
Some details on how to get to Oxford by plane, rail and road are provided
in this Department of Physics
Parking: There is no available parking space at the conference facility, and
nearby street parking is scarce, quite expensive and limited to two hours.
Using public transportation or the
Park and Ride scheme is therefore strongly recommended.
There are many possibilities in terms of Hotels and Bed and Breakfasts in the
Oxford area. Here are some links which might help you find a place that best
suits your needs:
Oxford City Visitor Information Website
Association of Hotels and Guest Houses
University Club provides hospitality
... and of course all the big accommodation
rating and booking companies (e.g., Tripadvisor, Hotels,
Booking, etc.) ...
For those interested in the possibility of booking a
bed and breakfast room in an Oxford college: