Follow this link to go to the registration site
General reminder and advice :
- Only payments by Credit/Debit Card (or French "Bon de commande CNRS") can be accepted.
- It is strongly advised to registration and to pay via the website (see below) at the same time (as opposed to leaving the process half-way, and then attempt to continue at a later time).
- The registration system (Azur-Colloque) is different service, and is decoupled from that of the abstract submission. Thus, you will to provde some personal details multiple times (i.e., name, affiliation, etc.); sorry about that.
- Extra guests (i.e. people not taking part in the conference) can join the conference diner for 60 euros, BUT one will need to register and pay for them via the same registration process as meeting participants (see below).
Feel free to contact us,, for clarifications.
Instructions worth reading before proceeding to the registration :
- The first page is easy, you just need to fill in some personal information (name, affiliation, etc.). Note to US colleagues: only city and country need be specified (no need to specify the state).
Extra guests can specify who they are accompanying in the "Organization" box.
- On the second page you can specify arrival and departure dates and time. We don't need these, so you just can leave the default values.
In the input box on that same page you should mention any dietary restrictions so that we can organize the conference diner accordingly.
- On the third page you will need to provide adequate information for the receipt that will be sent to you later (if you request the receipt to be made out to your organization/institution, you may provide the necessary "tax information" -- but this is not necessary for our purposes). Note to US colleagues : again, only city and country need be specified (no field for state).
- On the fourth page you will need to choose your registration category from the following:
- Early Bird registration (350 euros), valid until 28-May-2022, No longer possible
- Late registration (400 euros), 28-May-2022 -- 13-June-2022 (WARNING : registration will not be possible aafter June 13)
- IPSL funded early career scientist (no charge, registration paid by IPSL). Only for those concerned, obviously.
- Extra person for the conference diner (60 euros)
In addition (on the same page), you can let us know (by checking the relevant boxes): 1) if you woiuld like receive a paper copy of the abstract book (in addition to the USB stick with the same information that all attendees will receive) and 2) if you plan to attend the workshop welcome reception in the Zamansky tower at Sorbonne University on June 13, 18:00-20:00
Both options (paper copy of the abstract book and attendance at the Welcome reception) are free of charge.
- You can then proceed to the online payment, which will be the final step in the registration process. It seems this last step may be in French (although we are told that it might vary depending on your computer settings and your connection locationm). So just in case you encounter the payment page in French,
we provide a translation of the various fields below (and you should know that the the tiny flags there are purely for decoration and not for switching to another language)::
- First line (Numéro de carte): enter you Credit Card Number
- Second line (Date de fin de validité): card expiration date (MM == Month / AA == Year)
- Third line (Cryptograme Visuel): card security code (CSC), typically three numbers on the back of the card; or click on the ckeckbox if none.
- And then click on "Valider" to confirm
- Following payment you will receive an automated email from "AzurColloque DR04" with your receipt.
You are then done with the registration process and can go back to doing some great science.
Registration : Follow this link to go to the registration site
ESA / DLR / FU Berlin / Justin Cowart