The Mars Climate Database
Mars Climate Database version 6.1
Access the database
The 2016
Mars Climate Database Training Session
General description
of the database
The Mars Climate Database user FAQ.
NASA ADS sample list of papers citing the MCD
Other related software which include the MCD or access to it.
The LMD GCM Solar Occultations Database
The Mars-Earth Calendars
Proceed to the
Earth date to martian solar longitude converter.
Proceed to the
Mars date (Year and solar longitude) to Earth date converter.
Martian dust Climatology
Access our climatologies of
Martian atmospheric dust products.
Access the synthetic dust scenarios used
to generate the Mars Climate Database.
Martian small-scale meteorology
Access reference turbulence simulations (Large-Eddy Simulations) for Mars' daytime convection
Mars Through Time
The Mars Through Time ERC project aims at undertanding the past environments on Mars and its geology using new numerical climate models.
LMD Planetology Team's publications
in the refereed litterature.
International workshop on Mars atmosphere modelling and observations
Organized by our team
Seventh edition: Paris 2022
Sixth edition: Granada 2017
Fifth edition: Oxford 2014
Fourth edition: Paris 2011
Third edition: Williamsburg 2008
Second edition: Granada 2006
First edition: Granada 2003
Related Event: The 2018 Mars Atmosphere Data Assimilation Workshop