Fifth international workshop on the Mars atmosphere: Modelling and observations


Oxford, January 13-16 2014


Program & list of abstracts


Oral presentation are 15 minutes long (12 mn + 3mn questions) except specified otherwise


Posters: The recommended poster size is about 100-120 cm wide x 90 cm high (i.e. landscape A0 format). A 1 minute/1 slide oral advertisement is planned in the relevant session.


Link to the abstracts sorted by first author names


Sunday, January 12, 2014


Sunday, 17:00- 20:00: Welcome reception at the Divinity School of the Bodleian Library doors open at 5pm - drinks and refreshments from 6pm to 8pm


Monday, January 13, 2014


Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, Department of Physics, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford

Monday, 8:45 - 10:30


Welcome: 5 mn




REMS Instrument Design and Operation Status: Monitoring the Environment from a Moving Hot Exploration Rover on Mars (invited) 15 mn

M.-P. Zorzano, F. J. Martin-Torres, C. Armiens, I. Carrasco, M. Genzer, F. Gomez, J. Gomez-Elvira, R. Haberle, V.E. Hamilton, A.-M. Harri, H. Kahanpaa, O. Kemppinen, A. Lepinette, J. Martin Soler, J. Martinez-Frias, M. Mishna, L. Mora, S. Navarro, C. Newman, M. A. de Pablo, J. Pla, V. Peinado, J. Polkko, S.C.R. Rafkin, M. Ramos, N.O. Renno, M. Richardson, J.A. Rodriguez-Manfredi, J.J. Romeral Planello, E. Sebastian, M. de la Torre Juarez, J. Torres, R. Urqui, P. Valentin-Serrano, A.R. Vasavada, and the MSL Science Team


Results from the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) on Board the Mars Science Laboratory 15 mn

M. A. Mischna, J. Gomez-Elvira, C. Armiens, I. Carrasco, M. Genzer, F. Gomez, R. Haberle, V.E. Hamilton, A.-M. Harri, H. Kahanpaa, O. Kemppinen, A. Lepinette, J. Martin Soler, J. Martin-Torres, J. Martinez-Frias, L. Mora, S. Navarro, C. Newman, M. A. de Pablo, V. Peinado, J. Polkko, S.C.R. Rafkin, M. Ramos, N.O. Renno, M. Richardson, J.A. Rodriguez-Manfredi, J.J. Romeral Planello, E. Sebastian, M. de la Torre Juarez, J. Torres, R. Urqui, A.R. Vasavada, J. Verdasca, M.-P. Zorzano and the MSL Science Team


Highlights from the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) on Board the Mars Science Laboratory: New Windows for Atmospheric Research on Mars (invited) 15 mn

F. J. Martin-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano, C. Armiens, I. Carrasco, A. Delgado-Bonal, M. Genzer, F. Gomez, J. Gomez-Elvira, R. Haberle, V.E. Hamilton, A.-M. Harri, H. Kahanpaa, O. Kemppinen, M. T. Lemmon, A. Lepinette, J. Martin Soler, J. Martinez-Frias, M. Mischna, L. Mora, S. Navarro, C. Newman, M. A. de Pablo, J. Pla-Garcia, V. Peinado, J. Polkko, S.C.R. Rafkin, M. Ramos, N.O. Renno, M. Richardson, J.A. Rodriguez-Manfredi, J.J. Romeral Planello, E. Sebastian, M. de la Torre Juarez, J. Torres, A. Ullan, R. Urqui, P. Valentin-Serrano, A. R. Vasavada, and the MSL Science Team


Preliminary Interpretation of the Meteorological Environment through MSL Rover Environmental Monitoring Station Observations and Mesoscale Modeling 15 mn

J. Pla-Garcia, S. Rafkin, F.J. Martin-Torres, M.-P. Zorzano, J. Elvira-Gomez and the REMS and MSL Science team


Meteorological Potential of the Viking-2 Seismometer Dataset 15 mn

R. D. Lorenz and Y. Nakamura


Discussion time and poster advertisement: 25 mn


Poster: Convective Vortices at the MSL Landing Site

Kahanpaa, M. de la Torre Juarez, J. Moores, N. Renno, S. Navarro, R. Haberle, M-P. Zorzano, J. Martin Torres, J. Verdasca, A. Lepinette, J. A. Rodriguez-Manfredi, J. Gomez-Elvira, the REMS Team and the MSL Science Team.


10:30 - 11:00 : Coffee break


Monday, 11:00 - 12:30




The MCS Investigation: Overview of Recent Science Results (invited) 20 mn

D. M. Kass, D. J. McCleese, W. A. Abdou, A. Kleinboehl, P. O. Hayne, T. McDunn, S. Piqueux, J. H. Shirley, J. T. Schofield and the MCS Team.


Atmospheric Radiative and Mechanical Energy Budgets for Mars, from GCMs and Reanalyses 15 mn

P. L. Read, S. Chelvaniththilan, P. G. J. Irwin, T. Ruan, F. Tabataba-Vakili, A. Valeanu, Y. Wang, L. Montabone, S. R. Lewis,


A Martian k-distribution Model for Fast Radiative Calculations from the Surface to the Thermosphere 15 mn

M. A. Lopez-Valverde, J. R. Madrona, F. Gonzalez-Galindo and M. Mischna


Simulating the Mars Climate with the LMD Mars Global Climate Model: validation and issues. 15 mn

F. Forget, E. Millour, A. Spiga, T. Navarro, J-B Madeleine, A. Pottier, L. Montabone, F. Lefevre, F. Montmessin, A. Colaitis, L. Kerber, F. Gonzalez-Galindo, M. Lopez-Valverde, J-Y Chaufray, S.R. Lewis, P.L. Read.


Discussion time and posters advertisement: 25 mn


Poster: Considerations on the Presence of Gravity Wave Activity During MCS Limb Staring Observations

R. M. Edmonds, J. Murphy, J. T. Schofield and N. G. Heavens


Poster: Analysis of MGS/TES Temperature Observations in the Wavenumber - Frequency Domain

K. Ogohara


Poster: The GEM-Mars GCM: Current Status and Evaluation

L. Neary and F. Daerden


Poster: PLANET TOPERS: Planets, Tracing the Transfer, Origin, Preservation, and Evolution of their Reservoirs.

V. Dehant, T. Van Hoolst, D. Breuer, P. Claeys, V. Debaille, J. De Keyser, E. Javaux, S. Goderis, O. Karatekin, N. Mattielli, L. Noack, T. Spohn, A.C. Vandaele, F. Vanhaecke, V. Wilquet and the Planet Topers group


12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break


Monday, 14:00 - 15:40




A new Mars Climate Database v5.1 15 mn

E. Millour, F. Forget, A. Spiga, T. Navarro, J-B Madeleine, A. Pottier, L. Montabone, F. Lefevre, F. Montmessin, A. Colaitis, L. Kerber, F. Gonzalez-Galindo, M. Lopez-Valverde, J-Y Chaufray, S.R. Lewis, R.L. Read


The Effect of Dust on the Martian Hadley Cells 15 mn

A. M. Zalucha


The Radiative Impact of Water Ice Clouds from Assimilation of Mars Climate Sounder Data 15 mn

L. J. Steele, S. R. Lewis, M. R. Patel, L. Montabone and F. Forget


GCM Simulations of aphelion season tropical cloud and temperature structure 15 mn

R. J. Wilson et al.


Ensemble Mars Atmosphere Reanalysis System (EMARS) 15 mn

S. J. Greybush, R. J. Wilson, E. Kalnay, Y. Zhao, R. Hoffman and T. Nehrkorn


Discussion time and posters advertisement: 25 mn


Poster: Modeling Mars Cyclogenesis and Frontal Waves: Seasonal Variations and Implications on Dust Activity.

J.L. Hollingsworth and M.A. Kahre


Poster: The Martian Polar Vortices in the MACDA Reanalysis: Climatology and Variability

L. Montabone, D. M. Mitchell, S. I. Thomson, P. L. Read and T. H. McConnochie


Poster: Atmospheric Tides on Mars in the Phoenix Landing Season

W. Verbruggen, O. Karatekin, B. van Hove


Poster: LMD-SWRI Martian Mesoscale and Microscale Models Intercomparison for Exomars Landing Characterization

T. Bertrand, A. Spiga, S. Rafkin, A. Colaitis, F. Forget and E. Millour


Poster: Mars Mesospheric Winds - a Search for an Accurate Comparison Between Results from Atmospheric Models and Retrievals from Ground-Based Observations

M. Sornig, M.A. LopezValverde and L. Montabone


Poster:Atmospheric Angular Momentum and Rotation Variations of Mars between Martian years 24 and 27

O. Karatekin and Luca Montabone


15:40 - 16:10 : Tea break


Monday, 16:10 - 17:45


Data Assimilation with the LMD MGCM and LETKF 15 mn

T. Navarro, F. Forget, E. Millour, S. Greybush, T. Miyoshi and E. Kalnay,


Devils, Plumes, Rockets, Jumps: The "Funky" Mars 15 mn

A. Spiga, T. Bertrand, I. Smith, A. Colaitis, L. Montabone, F. Forget, J.B. Madeleine, E. Millour, T. Navarro




Dust, Clouds, and the Atmospheric Optical Depth Record over 5 Mars years of the Mars Exploration Rover Mission 15 mn

M. T. Lemmon, M. J. Wolff, J. F. Bell III, M. D. Smith, B. Cantor and P. H. Smith


Eight Martian years of Dust Climatology reconstructed from Spacecraft Observations 15 mn

L. Montabone, F. Forget, E. Millour, R. J. Wilson, S. R. Lewis, D. Kass, A. Kleinboehl, M. T. Lemmon, M. D. Smith and M. J. Wolff


SPICAM Climatology of Aerosol Vertical Distribution through UV Occultations 15 mn

A. Maattanen, C. Listowski, F. Montmessin, L. Maltagliati, L. Joly, A. Reberac and J.L. Bertaux


Discussion time and posters advertisement: 20 mn


Poster: Dust Devil Populations : Comparing In-Situ Measurements With Imaging and Tracks

R. D. Lorenz


Poster: Updated Assimilation of Dust in a Martian Global Climate Model

T. Ruan, P. L. Read, L. Montabone and S. R. Lewis


17:45 End of session


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Tuesday, 9:00 - 10:40




Dust Aerosol Particle Size and Shape using MER NAVCAM and PANCAM Sky Imaging 15 mn

M. D. Smith and M. J. Wolff


Aerosol Particle Size Retrievals from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars 15 mn

S. D. Guzewich, M.D. Smith and M.J. Wolff


Observations of a Bimodal Size Distribution for the Aerosol Particles on Mars by SPICAM/MEX 15 mn

A. Fedorova, A. Rodin, O. Korablev, F. Montmessin, A.Maattanen, J-L. Bertaux, L.Maltagliati


Observations of large Dust Storms during the Martian Dusty Season 15 mn

D. M. Kass, A. Kleinbohl, D. J. McCleese, J. T. Schofield and M. D. Smith


Coupling the Mars Dust and Water Cycles: Investigating the Role of Clouds in Controlling the Vertical Distribution of Dust During N. H. Summer 15 mn

M. A. Kahre, R. M. Haberle, J.L. Hollingsworth and R.J. Wilson


Discussion time and poster advertisement: 25 mn


Poster: Aerosol Particle Sizes from Mars Climate Sounder Observations

L. Benson, M. D. Smith and M. J. Wolff


10:40 - 11:10 : Coffee break


Tuesday, 11:10 - 12:30


GCM Simulations of Northern Summer Dust Storms Observed by the Phoenix LIDAR 15 mn

F. Daerden, J. Whiteway, L. Neary, M. Lemmon, B. Cantor, M. Wolff and E. Hebrard


Ensemble Simulations of Dust Haze Transport on Mars 15 mn

K. Ogohara


High-altitude Dust in the Martian Atmosphere 15 mn

S. R. Lewis, L. J. Steele and F. Forget.


Electric Fields in Simulated Martian Dust Devils 15 mn

E. L. Barth, W. M. Farrell and S. C. R. Rafkin


Discussion time and posters advertisement: 20 mn


Poster: Sub-grid Scale Processes: towards a Next-Generation Dust Lifting Scheme for Martian GCMs

D. P. Mulholland, A. Spiga, C. Listowski and P. L. Read


Poster: Dust Lifting represented in a High Resolution Mars Atmosphere General Circulation Model

Y. O. Takahashi, Y.Y. Hayashi


Poster: The Effects of Electric Fields on Wind Driven Particulate Detachment

C. Holstein-Rathlou, J.P. Merrison, C.F. Bradstrup and P. Nornberg


12:30 - 14:00 : Lunch break


Tuesday, 14:00 - 15:40




Water Vapor Profile Above Phoenix 15 mn

L. K. Tamppari and M. Lemmon


The MARCI Water Ice Cloud Optical Depth (Public) Database 15 mn

M. J. Wolff, R. T. Clancy, B. Cantor and R. M. Haberle


Measuring Water Ice Cloud Optical Depths from MRO-CRISM Multi-Spectral Images using PCA/TT for Surface Modeling 15 mn

D. R. Klassen


Atmospheric Mesoscale Modeling of Water and Clouds During Northern Summer on Mars 15 mn

D. Tyler, J. Barnes and B. Cantor


Migration of Low Altitude Clouds with Retreat of Seasonal CO2 Ice Cap 15 mn

I. B. Smith, A. Spiga, J. W. Holt


Discussion time and poster advertisement: 25 mn


Poster: Large Water Ice Aerosols in Martian North Polar Clouds

M. T. Lemmon


Poster: Ices Microphysical Evolution on Mars: Observational Constraints, Spectral and Thermodynamic Modeling, Experimental Approach

S. Philippe, B. Schmitt, P. Beck, F. Grisolle and T. Appere


15:40 - 16:10 : Tea break


Tuesday, 16:10 - 17:30


Formation Timescales of Water-Ice Clouds on Mars in the NASA Ames Mars GCM

R. A. Urata, R. M. Haberle, M. A. Kahre and J. L. Hollingsworth


Modeling of the Martian Water Cycle with an Improved Representation of Water Ice Clouds

T. Navarro, J-B. Madeleine, F. Forget, A. Spiga, E. Millour, F. Montmessin and A Maattanen


Improving Water Ice Cloud Modelling in the LMD Global Climate Model : Mars Climate Sounder Data Comparisons. 15 mn

A. Pottier, F. Montmessin, Forget, T. Navarro, J-B Madeleine, E. Millou


Abstract only: Seasonal Flows on Dark Martian Slopes, Thermal Condition for Liquescence of Salts

W. J. Markiewicz and K.J. Kossacki


Discussion time: 20 mn


17:15 End of session


Tuesday, 17:30-19:30: POSTER SESSION: Martin Wood Theatre, with drinks & refreshments


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Wednesday, 9:00 - 10:40




Albedo of Surface CO2 Deposits in Mars' Residual South Polar Cap 15 mn

P. B. James and M.J. Wolff


Polar CO2 ice clouds and energy budget from Mars Climate Sounder data. 15 mn

P. O. Hayne, D. J. McCleese, W. A. Abdou, D. M. Kass, A. Kleinböhl, T. McDunn, S. Piqueux, J. H.

Shirley, J. T. Schofield, and the MCS Team.


Investigating the Asymmetry of Mars South Polar Cap using the NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model with a CO2 Cloud Microphysics Scheme 15 mn

J. M. Dequaire, M. A. Kahre, Moffett Field, R. M. Haberle and J. L. Hollingsworth


CO2 Snowfalls Modulated by the Baroclinic Waves in the Northern Winter Polar Atmosphere of Mars 15 mn

T. Kuroda, Y. Kasaba, A. S. Medvedev and P. Hartogh


Microphysical Simulations of Mesospheric CO2 Ice Clouds and Comparison to Observations 15 mn

C. Listowski, A. Maattanen, F. Montmessin, A. Spiga and F. Lefevre


Abstract only: CO2 Clouds at Mars: 6 Martian Years of Survey by OMEGA/MEx.

B. Gondet, J.-P Bibring and M. Vincendon


Discussion time: 25 mn


Poster: Interannual Variability of Abalos Mensa in the North Polar Region of Mars

P. B. James


Poster: GCM simulations of the Mars North Polar Cap Springtime Retreat

F. Daerden, L. Neary, B. Cantor and T. Appere


10:40 - 11:10 : Coffee break


Wednesday, 11:10 - 12:30




Response of the Martian Upper Atmosphere to Lower Atmospheric Dust Storms: GCM Study 15 mn

S. Medvedev, E. Yigit, T. Kuroda and P. Hartogh


Exploring Mars Atmosphere from the Surface to Middle Atmosphere: NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model 15 mn

S. Brecht, J. L. Hollingsworth, M. A. Kahre and J. R. Schaeffer


Simulating the Martian Atmosphere With the Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model 15 mn

D. J. Pawlowski and S. W. Bougher


Thermospheric Variability During 7 Martian Years. 15 mn

F. Gonzalez Galindo, M.A. Lopez Valverde, E. Millour and F. Forget


Related Poster : 3D Simulations of the Ionosphere: SZA Variability and the Post-Terminator Ionosphere

F. Gonzalez Galindo, M.A. Lopez Valverde, G. Gilli, J.Y. Chaufray, F. Leblanc and F. Forget


Discussion time: 20 mn


12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break


Wednesday, 14:00 - 15:30




Modeling of Low, Mid and High Latitude Ionosphere of Mars Using MGS/ACC Data 15 mn

S. P. Seth


New Nitric Oxide (NO) Nightglow Measurements with SPICAM/MEX as a Tracer of Mars Upper Atmosphere Circulation and Comparison to a Model 15 mn

J.-L. Bertaux, F. Montmessin, F. Gonzalez-Galindo and M.-E. Gagne


Ultraviolet and Visible Dayglow Emissions on Mars: Modelling Perspective 15 mn

S. K. Jain and A. Bhardwaj


3D Simulations of the Hydrogen Escape on Mars 15 mn

J-Y. Chaufray, F. Leblanc, R. Modolo, S. Hess, F. Gonzalez-Galindo, M. Lopez-Valverde and F. Forget


Discussion time and posters advertisement: 30 mn


Poster: Mars Thermosphere Model for MRO Orbit Determination

Genova, S. Goossens, D. Smith, M. Zuber, F. Lemoine and E. Mazarico


Poster: Mars-Solar Wind Interaction: Coupling Between Hybrid, Ionospheric, Thermospheric and Exospheric Models

F. Leblanc, J.Y. Chaufray, R. Modolo, S. Hess, M. Yagi, M. Mancini, F. Forget, F. Gonzalez-Galindo, L. Lorenzato , C. Mazelle and G.M. Chanteur


15:30 - 16:00 : Tea break


Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00




Detection of Polonium-210 on Spirit Dust Magnets and Implications for the Global Martian Dust Cycle 15 mn

P.-Y. Meslin, R. Wong, L. d Uston, J.-C. Sabroux, J.-F. Pineau and M.B. Madsen


Diurnal Mapping of [H2O], [HDO], [HDO]/[H2O], and O2(a1Dg) Emission on Mars Using Ground Based High-Resolution Spectroscopy 15 mn

R.E. Novak, M.J. Mumma and G. L. Villanueva


The Martian Ozone Layer as Seen by SPICAM: 2004-2011 15 mn

F. Lefevre, F. Montmessin and J.-L. Bertaux


MARCI Global Daily Ozone Mapping and Comparison to LMD GCM Simulations: Polar Dynamics, Hellas Basin, and Heterogeous Chemistry 15 mn

R. T. Clancy, M. J. Wolff, F. Lefevre, F. Forget, M. Malin and M. D. Smith


Modelling the Impact of Transport Processes on Ozone with GEM-Mars: a Comparison with MARCI 15 mn

L. Neary, F. Daerden, R.T. Clancy and M. Wolff


Investigating the Ozone Cycle on Mars using GCM Modelling and Data Assimilation 15 mn

J. A. Holmes, S. R. Lewis, M. R. Patel and F. Lefevre


Discussion time and posters advertisement: 30 mn


Poster: The Influence of dust on Martian Ozone Detection.

G. Dawson, M. R. Patel, S. R. Lewis, J. P. Mason, P. G. J. Irwin and A. C. Vandaele


Poster: CRISM Limb Observations of Mars O2/OH Polar Nightglow and O2 Dayglow, and their Comparison to LMD GCM Photochemical Simulations

R. T. Clancy, B. J. Sandor, M. J. Wolff, F. Lefevre, A. Garcia-Munoz, M. D. Smith, T. H. McConnochie, S. L. Murchie and Hari Nair


Poster: Numerical Simulations of the possible Atmospheric Origin of Martian Perchlorate

M. K. D. Duffy, S. R. Lewis, N. J. Mason, F. Lefevre, F. Forget


Poster: Synergetic Investigation of CO and CH4 on Earth and Mars using Asimut-ALVL.

S. Robert, A. Roth, A.C. Vandaele, L. Neary, E. De Wachter, M. De Maziere, A.G. Straume, O .Witasse and J. Chimot


Poster: Colocated Measurements of CO with CRISM (MRO) and PFS (Mars Express)

S. Robert, A.C. Vandaele, G. Sindoni, M. Giuranna, S. Aoki and M.D. Smith


18:00 End of session


Wednesday, 18:30: Conference banquet, reception and viewing at the Ashmolean Museum (Beaumont Street)


Thursday, January 16, 2014


Thursday, 9:00 - 10:20




Aeolian Bedforms in Tharsis Montes: Record of Wind Regime and Atmospheric Pressure in the Geologically Resent Past 15 mn

M. A. Kreslavsky, I. P. Karachevtseva and M. A. Baskakova.


Mars in the Glacial Ages of The Past Millions of Years: Modeling a Planet Partially Mantled by Dust and Ice 15 mn

J.-B. Madeleine, F. Forget, J. W. Head, T. Navarro, E. Millour, A. Spiga, A. Maattanen, F. Montmessin .


Constraints on Past Climate on Mars from the North Polar Layered Deposits 15 mn

S. Hvidberg


Atmospheric Ice-Dust Precipitation and Volcanic Terrain: constraining the Origin and Evolution of Ground Ice and of Periglacial Landforms in Utopia Planitia, Mars 15 mn

R. J. Soare, B. Horgan, S.J. Conway and R.M. El-Maarry,


Discussion time and posters advertisement: 20 mn


Poster: The Little Ice Age on Mars : Potential Detection with the Insight Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package (HP3)

R. D. Lorenz


10:20 - 10:50: Coffee break


Thursday, 10:50 - 12:30




Surface Ice Migration and Transient Melting Events on Early Mars. 15 mn

R. D.Wordsworth, R. T. Pierrehumbert, F. Forget, L. Kerber, J. Head and E.Millour


Sulfur in the Early Martian Atmosphere Revisited: Experiments with a 3-D Global Climate Model 15 mn

L. Kerber., F. Forget and R. Wordsworth


The Role of Obliquity, Water Vapor and Trace Gas Greenhouses on the Early Martian Climate 15 mn

M.A. Mischna, V. Baker, R. Milliken, M. Richardson and C. Lee


Climatic and Chemical Consequences of Episodic Eruptions on Early Mars 15 mn

I. Halevy, J. W. Head III,


Cold and Icy Noachian Mars: Insights into the Hydrological System and Cycle from the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica. (invited) 15 mn

J.W Head III


Discussion time: 25 mn


Poster: Crust-Atmosphere Coupling and Carbon Sequestration on Palaeo-Mars

A. Macartney


12:30 - 14:00: Lunch break


Thursday, 14:00 - 15:30




Martian Atmospheric Collapse: Meridional Transport and Polar Heat Balance 15 mn

A. Soto, M. A. Mischna and M. I. Richardson




Future Observations of The Mars Atmosphere by NASA Missions (invited) 20 mn

R. Zurek


The DREAMS Experiment on the ExoMars 2016 Mission for the Study of Martian Environment during the Dust Storm Season 15 mn

F. Esposito, S. Debei, C. Bettanini, C. Molfese, I. Arruego Rodriguez, G. Colombatti, A-M. Harri, F. Montmessin, C. Wilson, A. Aboudan, M. Zaccariotto, S. Abbaki, V. Apestigue, G. Bellucci, J-J. Berthelier, J. R. Brucato, S. B. Calcutt, F. Cortecchia, F. Cucciarre, G. Di Achille, F. Ferri, F. Forget, E. Friso, M. Genzer, P. Gilbert, J-P. Goutail, H. Haukka, J. J. Jimenez, S. Jimenez, J-L. Josset, O. Karatekin, G. Landis, R. Lorenz, J. Martinez, L. Marty, V. Mennella, D. Mohlmann, E. Palomba, M. Patel, J-P. Pommereau, C.I. Popa, S. Rafkin, P. Rannou, N.O. Renno, P. Schipani, W. Schmidt, E. Segato, F. Simoes, A. Spiga, F. Valero, L. Vazquez, F. Vivat, O. Witasse, S. Yahi, R. Mugnuolo and S. Pirrotta


Atmospheric Observations from the Mars Insight Mission 15 mn.

D. Banfield, and the InSight Science Team.


Discussion time: 25 mn


15:30 - 16:00 : Tea break


Thursday, 16:00 - 17:45


Observing the Martian Atmosphere Using Entry Probe Flight Instrumentation 15 mn

B. Van Hove and O. Karatekin


Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS): a set of Infrared Spectrometers for Atmospheric Measurements on Board ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter 15 mn

A. Trokhimovskiy, O. Korablev, A. Grigoriev, A. Fedorova, A. Shakun, N. Ignatiev, L. Zasova, B. Moshkin, I. Dziuban, S. Guslyakova, K. Anufreychik, A. Stepanov, A. Titov, F. Montmessin, Y. Ivanov, Y. Kalinnikov and the ACS team


The NOMAD Spectrometer Suite for Nadir and Solar Occultation Observations on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter 15 mn

M. R. Patel, A.C. Vandaele, F. Daerden, R. Drummond, E. Neefs, J.-J. Lopez-Moreno, J. Rodriguez Gomez, G. Bellucci and the NOMAD team


The MARs Boundary Layer Lidar Experiment: Mars Winds at last! 15 mn

F. Montmessin, M. Patel, F. Forget, D. Bruneau, D. Coscia, S. Lewis, C. Flamant, A. Spiga, A. Maattanen, Chris Howe, G. Deprez, T. Bertrand, S. Maurice, M. Kahre, J. Abshire, R. Lorenz, B. Faure, M.-S. Clerc, P. Sengenes, P. Gilbert and J- B. Madeleine


2-Micron Mars-Orbiting Lidar for Wind, Density and Dust Measurements 15 mn

U. N. Singh


Discussion time: 30 mn


17:45 End of session